A note from Stacey

Dear Friends,

Last fall, your Leadership Team decided to designate 2016 as a year of growing deeper in faith at First United Methodist Church. Being a follower of Jesus means many things to many people and there are many ways that we can wake up to God’s presence in our lives, learn more about God, and send our faith roots down deeper.

Beginning in Lent, we will offer you a challenge. I won’t say more now, as the details are still taking shape. A small group will be working on designing opportunities from now until Lent 2017 for us to:

Grow in our relationship with God
Live as followers of Jesus at home, at work, in the community and in the world Develop an understanding of the Bible
Deepen our spiritual lives
Act faithfully in mission in our community

This will be an exciting and enriching journey over the next twelve months: watch for the announcement that’s coming.

In Christ, Stacey